Into the Light of Fall

Into the Light of Fall

Wild mustangs running in the late fall light on Ponderosa Mesa 

Spirits in the Ponderosa Forest

Spirits in the Ponderosa Forest

Wild mustangs running in the deep forest on Ponderosa Mesa 

Ponderosa Band of Mustangs

Ponderosa Band of Mustangs

Band of Mustangs in the forest on Ponderosa Mesa 

Mustangs in the Forest

Mustangs in the Forest

Wild Mustangs running in the late afternoon fall light on Ponderosa Mesa 

Stallion Peering from Behind the Ponderosa

Stallion Peering from Behind the Ponderosa

Wild Mustang Stallion keeping his eye on me from behind the Ponderosa trees with his mares in the background on Ponderosa Mesa 

Through the Forest

Through the Forest

Band of Wild Mustangs moving through the forest on a late fall afternoon on Ponderosa Mesa 

In the Trees

In the Trees

Band of Wild Mustangs gathered behind the trees in the Ponderosa Forest on Ponderosa Mesa 

Ponderosa Mares and Foals

Ponderosa Mares and Foals

Band of wild mustang Mares and Foals in the late winter light on Ponderosa Mesa. 

Mustang Stallion in the Winter Light

Mustang Stallion in the Winter Light

Wild Mustang Stallion in the trees keeping an eye on me and staying between me and his mares on Ponderosa Mesa 

Ponderosa Stallion at Frozen Lake

Ponderosa Stallion at Frozen Lake

Wild Mustang Stallion running towards me just above a frozen lake on Ponderosa Mesa 

Ponderosa Gray

Ponderosa Gray

Wild gray mustang stallion running in the light and shadows of the forest on Ponderosa Mesa

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Ponderosa Stallion in the Forest

Ponderosa Stallion in the Forest

Wild Mustang Stallion running towards his mares just bearly seen in the trees to the right and left of the stallion in the late afternoon winter light on Ponderosa Mesa.